Using innovative video technologies to promote pre-service science teachers’ responsiveness

Rehearsal is used by teacher educators to prepare teachers for the complex and interactive work of teaching.
Rehearsals differ from traditional micro-teaching in several significant ways (Benedict-Chambers, 2017). First, in rehearsals, the PSTs deliberately practise certain instructional strategies, moves and routines that have previously been studied in video recordings of instruction. Second, the peers assume an active role in rehearsals by simulating the interactions teachers may encounter in a classroom setting. Third, the PSTs have the chance to re-enact the same segment of teaching, either in a real-life classroom (e.g., in student teaching) or in a controlled setting. Finally, the educators often provide just-in-time feedback, in the form of pauses during rehearsals and debriefing sessions after the rehearsals, targeting the focal moves and practices.
Rehearsals allow teachers to ‘learn to interact productively with students around content in a way that honors the complex and deeply relational work’ (Kazemi, Ghousseini, Cunard, & Turrou, 2016, p. 18).