Using innovative video technologies to promote pre-service science teachers’ responsiveness
We have written up some of our learning and insights from this project. We will continue to update new outputs related to this project. The following shows a list of outputs published:
Chan, K.K.H., Yu, S.K.K., & Sin, R.K.H. (accepted). Using student actors and video-mediated reflection to
promote pre-service teachers’ ability to enact responsive teaching. Innovations in Science Teacher Education.
Chan, K.K.H., Yu, S.K.K., Sin, R.K.H., & He, T.C.L. (2020). Different camera perspectives, different observations? Pre-service science teachers’ noticing on different classroom videos. [Roundtable Session]. AERA Annual Meeting. San Francisco, CA. (Conference Cancelled)
Chan, K.K.H. (2019). Using innovative video technologies to promote preservice science teachers’ learning to notice, interpret and act on student thinking. Retrieved from
We will continue to list our new outputs related to this project.